In addition, there will be buffers that will protect environmentally sensitive lands and wildlife habitats. The plan requires protection of nearby water bodies and major drainage features on the property.
Any area that is landscaped will use Florida native plants and smart design to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides and save water.
The planned marina will be a Florida Clean Marina, protecting water quality. Boater education will be part of the program, with signs and materials reminding boaters and guests not to litter, dump waste, properly dispose of monofilament, watch for manatees and other safe boating issues. ...more
Reclamation will be conducted every five years rather than at the end of mining. And, while the state allows vibration levels up to 2.0inches per second, CEMEX will be held to a 0.75 inch per second level at the closest structure off the Hollins property. That standard less than half of the maximum of what the state allows.
Natural Resources
To the greatest extent possible, Hollinswood is committed to preserving on-site
wetlands. When impacts simply cannot be avoided, Hollinswood has committed
to a mitigation program that includes providing timber management in the Greenways
area on the south side of the Barge Canal. The program will protect 190
acres from clear cutting